I asked the following question:
In Mechwarrior 2, you had to keep your crosshairs on the enemy for 5 seconds to obtain a lock for LRM missiles. Is this at all realistic? What real-world missile barrage requires 5 seconds to obtain a lock?
which generated these comments:
considering that many games are just simulations of the real-word (with certain embellishments, of course), I don't see how it isn't. To simulate a missile barrage system, you'll first need to understand how one operates... – Cypher
So, you're suggesting that any question asking how something works would be on topic, as long as it's because we were trying to simulate it in game? For example: How long does it take for a bailer to bail hay? I'm making a farming simulator. Not only that, but this question is asking about a ficticious weapon and if it would actually apply to real life, which is the opposite of what you're suggesting. – Byte56
Asking if something in an existing game is realistic or not is not constructive or on topic for this site. – Byte56
My take on it is a question is this question is really about games based on real physical systems. I asked it because I wanted to know the answer. It's not about bailing hay, that would just be plain boring. I think enough people develop military simulators that gameplay-related questions would be on topic.