We have several questions about a very common problem in game development: How to pick a random item from a list, but with a bias so that different items have a different probability to occur? Here are some of these questions which I could find. More of them might exist:
- (RPGs) Drop table design
- Designing Drops system - How and where chance of drops are defined?
- Algorithm for determining random events
- Handling random with unique chance in Python
- How to get the result of random item with different possibility?
- How can I select an enemy to act next, biased toward smaller enemies?
- Best gacha like system?
I think the reason why this question gets asked so often and nobody closes them as duplicates is because many of them masquerade as more specific and localized problems. That makes them difficult to find with the search function.
I think we should pick one canonical question, search-engine optimize it and then close all others as a duplicate.
Do you think one of them is good enough to be the canonical question about this problem? Or should we write a new one and link them all to that question? And how should we title the question so it is easy to find through searches?