This is a phenomenon I've seen just a couple times; most recently:
- Today: Multi purpose item class design in C#
- Duplicates this from 2010: What are different ways to define items in an RPG like game?
The user has a question that has been asked before, has done their research and read the previous question and answers, but doesn't understand them well enough to solve their problem.
On one hand, it seems redundant to keep the newer post, since it's asking the very same question (down to using the same example case). Keeping it divides answers & attention to the problem between two different pages, making it harder for someone searching to find the info in one place.
On the other hand, just closing the new question as a duplicate doesn't serve the needs of the user who asked it, or future users who might be similarly unclear on how to use the advice from the original question.
Is this a case where we should add/edit answers to the original question and direct the asker there, or keep both questions open, or modify the new question to ask specifically about what the original doesn't cover... or is there some other best practice?