This question covers our list of "bad" tags, tags which don't make sense in general or in the specific context of the site. These include meta tags, tags that are redundant with the focus of the site (game-development
), non-specific tags, and so on.
Note that originally this question was set up as a community-wiki, with one answer per bad tag suggestion. Recently we seemed to have moved to a model where we post individual meta questions for each tag, which seems to foster better discussion. You can still post in this topic if you like.
This list can also cover tag synonym suggestions. For example, dx11 should be mapped to directx11. Note that you can vote on tag synonyms other people propose. For a list of synonyms currently in the system, go here.
Currently Blacklisted Tags
The tag link pages for each of these should be empty. If you add a new tag here, please preserve the alphabetical ordering for easier browsing. Please link to the discussion that lead to the tag being included on the blacklist for posterity.
2d-physics (just use
instead; related post)actions (generic, discussion)
api (meta-tag; discussion)
buffers (generic; related post)
compilation (does not add value, related thread)
computer-science (generic, off-topic; related post)
conceptual (meta-tag; related post)
delta (does not add value, discussion)
engine (meta tag; discussion)
environment (too broad; discussion)
feedback (too ambiguous; related post)
framework (meta-tag; discussion)
free (meta-tag, discussion)
hobby-development (meta-tag with no value, executive decision based on similarity to indie)
homework (Another executive decision, it's a meta tag that doesn't describe the content of the question.)
indie (meta-tag with no value, see the related thread)
infinite (too general; discussion)
language-agnostic (Executive decision, this semi-meta tag adds nothing on the content of the question. Most questions are algorithm or math related, or specifics of a particular language. This tag is redundant, as any programming/math/algorithm question without a specific language tag is going to be assumed to be language agnostic.)
language-choice (Executive decision, all questions tagged this way are a "which technology is best" type, which shouldn't be used anyway.)
learning (Executive decision, but there's precedence on other sites)
libraries (meta-tag; discussion)
limitations (meta tag; executive decision)
old-school (meta tag; discussion)
sdk (meta-tag; discussion)
size (too ambiguous; discussion)
smooth (too ambiguous; related post)
techniques (meta tag or too broad: discussion)
tips (another meta tag)
update (used broadly for content covered by game-loop deployment synchronization)
surface(meta-tag: discussion)
Note that there's an easy way to link to tags nowadays. The format is: