Or is it I miss you "I'm done"...?
Sometimes a new question pops up in the active (or newest) questions list, I flag it because it's off topic and get on with my life.
Sometimes, that question pops up again in the low quality review queue. I'm offered choices: Loos OK, Edit, Recommended Close, Skip.
Off course, I though it should be closed the first time I flagged it so I hit "Recommend Close".
I get this dialog:
Sorry for the wide screenshot.
I can't chose anything from that dialog because I have already made my choice ("Wake up Neo"). Now I'm left with Loos OK, Edit and Skip, none of which feels right.
If I remember correctly, other review queues have the I'm done button available because it detects that you have already done something on the question.
I guess it's a bug and an I'm done button should also be available when you have already flagged the post.