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I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

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I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App StoreV8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision HelpBitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?

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Roy T.
  • 10.2k
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Almost every question get's at least one up, even if they are bad

I'm not one of the big-regulars on this but lately it's come to my attention that almost every question on gamedev get's at least one up vote. But as I see it, some questions really don't deserve this upvote. A few examples:

V8 JavaScript Engine and Mac App Store (single line question) (got updvoted on gamedev, but doesn't belong here)

Bitmap & Object Collision Help (code sample is useless, question too vague)

As you can see all these questions got +1. But why? Do people get points for upvoting other threads?

I've also looked at the scoring of questions on the first 5 pages, there was only one question in the negative. That's not quite what I'm used too on the SE network. Of course we don't have to bash everyone around, but maybe people could check in on the scoring of questions?