Lots of votes on a question usually means that a lot of people can understand the problem set. Easy/"noob" questions generally fall into this realm, mainly because more people can comprehend and possibly want to see an answer to a question like "how can I make a quick game" rather than "how do I set up springs in cocos2d" (for example). If you look at the list of all questions sorted by vote count, you'll see that a large number of the super high voted up questions are all closed. http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=votes This is hardly a new predicament in the Stack Exchange universe. You'll see on [programmers](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=votes), for example, they went with more of a community wiki approach. I suspect Stack Overflow has some logic under the hood to make their older questions like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/84556/whats-your-favorite-programmer-cartoon not show up in those lists. That being said, the best thing to do is just vote to close and/or flag bad questions. Likewise leave a comment saying why it's a bad question.