The vacation season is coming to an end, and while it has been a moment to rest and have a good time with the ones we love, it has also been a good time for some of you to work hard on your next game.
Here we're proposing that you show us what you've been working on recently toward making your next game!
You can share with us
- What's the most recent feature you've got in?
- What are you the most proud of so far?
- What's been the hardest part to do so far, why, and how did you managed to get over it?
- What part do you think will be the hardest to complete in the near future?
- What's a cool trick or solution you found that others might find useful?
Your game is eligible if:
- It is a work in progress, meaning either an unreleased game, or an update/extension/DLC in development for a released game.
- It is SFW (Safe-for-Work)
- Its content respects the StackExchange Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Policy, including but not limited to...
No bigotry.
We don’t tolerate any language likely to offend or alienate people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion — and those are just a few examples. Use stated pronouns (when known). When in doubt, don't use language that might offend or alienate. -
No harassment.
This includes, but isn’t limited to: bullying, intimidation, vulgar language, direct or indirect threats, sexually suggestive remarks, patterns of inappropriate social contact, and sustained disruptions of discussion. -
Sexually Explicit Material. Accounts that use Stack Exchange to post sexually explicit or pornographic material, or links to it, will be suspended. If you think the content of the game is not safe for everyone, please make sure you add a warning notice to your answer, something like an ESRB content descriptor.
Rules for posting answers:
- You must have asked at least one question, or provided at least one answer on the main site between September 1st 2020 and September 1st 2021.
- One game per answer
- Introduce your game first
- You can link to your game's site or Steam/App Store page, but the answer can't be a link only one: please tell us about your work!
- The links you provide must link directly to the game site, it must not be a "short link" such as, or include some kind of redirection.
- Submissions will close after September 30th